Bamboo (BAM) now available on Kyber Network

We are happy to announce that the Bamboo (BAM) token is now available on Kyber Network!

BAM will be accessible through KyberSwap and other platforms that are tapping into our on-chain liquidity protocol.

To date, Kyber Network collectively supports over 70 ERC20 tokens. Learn how to buy/sell ERC20 tokens on KyberSwap with our basic guide.

Listing information for BAM

  • Listing date: Friday, July 5th, 2019
  • Listing time: 3:30 PM (GMT+8)

About Bamboo

Bamboo is a people-focused mobile application that makes it easy, automated, and fun to make micro-investments into diversified parcels of digital assets. All the user needs is a mobile phone, a bank account, and a couple of minutes to get started.

Bamboo’s core focus is round-up driven microinvesting, however, the platform does allow for manual ‘top up’ contributions. As the term suggests, microinvestment is an investment methodology that focuses on regular, small recurring contributions. Bamboo takes user’s investing in auto-pilot mode, without having to worry about timing the markets. Using this methodology, users will effortlessly be employing a dollar cost averaging strategy widely used by professional and hobby investors alike.

BAM tokens unlock the full benefit of the Bamboo platform because they are used in the calculation, payment, and settlement of management fees for your investment into cryptographic assets on the Bamboo platform.

Download the Bamboo App and get started today.

For more information on Bamboo (BAM)

Token information

Token: Bamboo (BAM)

Token information:

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About Kyber Network

Kyber Network is building a world where any token is usable anywhere., our flagship Decentralized Exchange (DEX) aggregator, provides superior rates for traders in DeFi across 17 chains.

KyberSwap powers 200+ integrated projects and has facilitated over US$20 billion worth of transactions for thousands of users across 17 chains since its inception. Full list of supported exchanges and networks available here.

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