Cindicator (CND) is now available on Kyber Network

Cindicator (CND) is now available on Kyber Network

We are happy to announce that the Cindicator will be running an Automated Price Reserve for the CND token on Kyber Network!

CND is now accessible through KyberSwap and other DApps and platforms that are powered by Kyber’s on-chain liquidity protocol— the most popular #DeFi protocol in terms of number of users and integrations.

To date, Kyber Network collectively supports over 75 ERC20 tokens. Learn how to buy/sell ERC20 tokens on KyberSwap with our basic guide.

Listing information for CND

  • Listing date: August 13th, 2019
  • Listing time: 9PM (GMT+8)

About Cindicator

Cindicator creates the social and technological infrastructure needed to make effective decisions under the volatile conditions of the new economy. By combining a large number of diverse financial analysts and a set of machine learning models into a single system, Cindicator is developing a Hybrid Intelligence infrastructure for the efficient management of investors’ capital in traditional financial and crypto-markets. Hybrid Intelligence is the combination of human intelligence and machine intelligence, and their interaction in resolving various tasks. Thousands of analysts on the Cindicator platform generate various forecasts daily, answering a number of specific questions about the price levels of different financial assets, macroeconomic indices, and events significantly influencing the market.

Each CND token holder can obtain a new level of access to Cindicator’s indicators, indices, data, services, information, and analytical products. Cindicator’s ultimate goal is to set up a decentralized intellectual technology that effectively implements the potential of Hybrid Intelligence for the benefit of all participants of the ecosystem. In the future the technology strives to be fully automated: the only resource necessary for it to function will be the mental investment by the analysts. Hybrid Intelligence could eventually be used not only in financial and economic markets, but also in art, politics, sports, business, technologies, and science.

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About Kyber Network

Kyber Network is building a world where any token is usable anywhere., our flagship Decentralized Exchange (DEX) aggregator, provides superior rates for traders in DeFi across 17 chains.

KyberSwap powers 200+ integrated projects and has facilitated over US$20 billion worth of transactions for thousands of users across 17 chains since its inception. Full list of supported exchanges and networks available here.

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