#KyberDeFi Virtual Hackathon

6-Week online hackathon focused on practical DeFi innovation using various Ethereum technologies

*IMPORTANT UPDATE*: Hackathon has been extended to 28 October!

Kyber has participated in various Ethereum hackathons in the past year, and each time we were impressed by the quality of work produced in just 48 hours over a single weekend. An estimated 220 developers built 50+ DApps using Kyber during these weekend hackathons altogether, and many of them have become active members of the Kyber community.

Today we are excited to launch #KyberDeFi Virtual Hackathon to educate more developers around the world about Kyber Network’s liquidity protocol and token swap technology, and how they can be used to create innovative payment flows and DeFi (decentralized or open finance) products. This online hackathon will be from 9th September — 21st October, and will focus heavily on novel and practical solutions for DeFi, giving us a chance to witness greater composability between top Ethereum projects, including our Tech Partners: bZxChainlinkCompoundMelonSynthetix!

Check out our launch video below:

Bounty Prizes: USD $42,000 and more!

With over USD $42,000 worth of prizes and special Kyber Crypto-collectible NFTs (courtesy of Enjin) up for grabs, we look forward to seeing what interesting use cases get created! The submission period of ~6 weeks also provides substantial time for hackers around the world to further develop their ideas and build a viable product for commercial use.

You can participate in multiple bounties including those from our tech partners bZx, Chainlink, Compound, Melon, Synthetix, so be sure to check out the Devpost resource page to find the relevant tools to get started! We will have more detailed blog posts about our tech partners over the next few days.

Win multiple bounties from different projects!

How to participate?

  1. Register yourself/team on Devpost. Teams cannot consist of more than 5 members.
  2. Join our Hackathon Discord Chat
  3. Read the relevant tech documentation
  4. Submit your hack between: 9 Sep — 21 Oct (11.45 pm SGT / GMT+8)

Submission Requirements

  1. Build or enhance a functioning decentralized app or platform that incorporates DeFi (e.g. payments, lending, margin trading, arbitrage products) using at least one of the following:
  • Kyber’s Liquidity Protocol
  • Tech partner technology
  • Kyber’s Liquidity Protocol and technology from one (or more) of the Tech partners

2. Indicate which bounties you’re participating in (multiple bounties allowed)

3. Submit a link to your codebase to allow the Judges to demo your DApp / platform

4. Create an explainer video showcasing your DApp / platform (optional)

  • Judging and prize winner announcement will be after 21 Oct.
  • For hackathon eligibility, see full rules.
  • Help us spread the word on social media with the hashtag #KyberDeFi


We are thrilled to have these well-known Blockchain and Ethereum pioneers join our hackathon to review and judge the submissions! 😎

Your submission will be judged based on the following criteria:

  • Novelty ‘X’ Factor (30%)
  • Potential Value to Users (25%)
  • Quality of the Idea (15%)
  • Implementation of the Idea (15%)
  • Technical Difficulty and Design (15%)

Ecosystem Builders

In addition, to help us champion the DeFi movement, increase crypto adoption, and support developer talent around the world 🌍 , Kyber has the privilege of working alongside these #KyberDeFi Ecosystem Builders! Each of these builders are adding tremendous value to the blockchain and developer ecosystem in their own special way, and we will share more about them in an upcoming blog post.

BitGo, WBTC (Wrapped Bitcoin), CoinGecko, dapp.com, defiprime.com , Devfolio, #Hashed, IBC Media, KyberSwap, LinkTime (Unitimes and EthPlanet), MetaCartel, Signum Capital

Register and Submit Now

Registrations and submissions for the #KyberDeFi Virtual Hackathon with bZx, Chainlink, Compound, Melon, Synthetix, and WBTC, are now OPEN!

Register here: https://kyber.devpost.com

You can start submitting your projects anytime as well! Teams can submit their hacks from 9 September — 28 October. Judging and prize winner announcement will take place after 28th October.

Form your team today, build with Kyber, and stand to win from our USD $42,000+ prize pool!

We will provide the necessary tools, documentation, and other supplementary resources to help developers better understand the current DeFi trends and how to build on Kyber and our tech partners. If you have any technical questions, please join our Hackathon Discord Chat!

Do share about your project on Twitter and other social media with the hashtag #KyberDeFi !

Good Luck Hackers! 💪🏻

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About Kyber Network

Kyber Network is building a world where any token is usable anywhere. KyberSwap.com, our flagship Decentralized Exchange (DEX) aggregator, provides superior rates for traders in DeFi across 17 chains.

KyberSwap powers 200+ integrated projects and has facilitated over US$20 billion worth of transactions for thousands of users across 17 chains since its inception. Full list of supported exchanges and networks available here.

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