2Key integrates Kyber’s On-chain Liquidity Protocol for Seamless Token Swaps

We’re glad to announce that 2Key Network has integrated Kyber’s on-chain liquidity protocol to enable ETH and ERC20 token swaps and payments on their 2Key SmartLinks user dashboard.

In addition, the 2Key team will soon be running a Kyber APR (Automated Price Reserve) for their native 2KEY token, with Kyber being 2KEY’s first official listingvenue. Kyber is the most used and most integrated liquidity protocol in decentralized finance (DeFi) and this token listing will allow 2KEY liquidity to be accessed by Kyber’s ecosystem of almost 100 DApps.

Planned listing for 2KEY

  • Listing date: 19 May, 2020
  • Listing time: 9 PM (GMT+8)

The 2KEY token will soon be accessible through KyberSwap and other DApps and platforms that are powered by Kyber. Learn how to buy/sell ERC20 tokens like 2KEY on KyberSwap with our basic guide.

What is 2Key?

2Key is a Layer 2 Protocol on Ethereum that allows users to unlock the true potential of their organic reach through a blockchain referral solution. 2Key easily fuses smart contracts and multi-step tracking into HTTP Links.

2Key SmartLinks

Smart contracts embedded in 2Key SmartLinks are deployed on a public decentralized blockchain, ensuring that interests and assets of all parties are upheld and secured through a trustless system.

Users can turn any URL link into a special SmartLink that tracks, records, and rewards every interaction. Users can track and analyze its distribution online, and incentivize people to share using a Pay-Per-Click model.

  • Automatically incentivize and monitor organic referrals.
  • Track and cryptographically record anyone interacting with the link by web 3.0 address.
  • Incentivise referrals in a fair manner. Successful sharing is automatically rewarded with the value contained in the SmartLink.

Funds users collect in ETH are stored straight on their Metamask, Ledger, or 2key crypto wallet. Users can exchange them for fiat currencies, or other cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin or DAI, USDT, and TUSD.

How it works

1. Create link: Turn your link into a Referral SmartLink

2. Shout Out: Reach and grow your audience by sharing your SmartLink and incentivizing people to forward it through any social or messaging platform.

3. Track: Follow how much your Referral SmartLink is going viral and converting in real-time.

Example Use Cases

1. Re-inventing Donations: The easy and effective way to add crypto to your fundraising basket. Fire up your supporters’ passion to share your cause with 2key easy-to-use revolutionary smart-contract based referral solution.

2. Re-inventing Video Calls: Getting paid for Video Call Services/ Integrate payment for your services straight into a Zoom link through a Crypto Paywall. This can be used by: Sports Instructors, Seminars/Webinars, Talk Therapists, Music Instructors, Online Conferences, Lecturers, Private Teachers, Coaches, Lawyers, Advisors, Mentors, Freelancers, Remote Support, Hourly Services, and many others. Read more here.

Using Kyber Network for Seamless Token Swaps

With the use of blockchain and cryptocurrencies on the rise, supporting decentralized token swaps and payments is an important part of 2Key’s business.

By integrating Kyber’s on-chain liquidity protocol to its main dashboard, 2Key allows its users to easily convert the token payments they received from their SmartLinks to ETH, DAI, USDT, TUSD, and other selected ERC20 at the best on-chain rates. These token exchanges are performed entirely on the Ethereum blockchain and thus are fully transparent and verifiable.

Kyber is the most used and integrated project in DeFi, with over US$1Billion in total trading volume and powering close to 100 DApps. Integration with Kyber is free and permissionless. Visit our Developer Portal to learn more.

Launch Promotion by 2Key Network

To celebrate the integration and token listing, the 2Key Network team is launching a referral promotion using their very own SmartLink technology. 2Key will have a total prize pool of 5000 ‘2KEY tokens’ for users, with 1 ‘2KEY token’ rewarded per valid unique user click.

To win

  1. Simply click this SmartLink: https://2key.me/2KeyIntegratesKybersOnchainLiquidityProtocolSeamlessTokenSwaps/ACMfm
  2. Click ‘Refer & Earn’ then ‘Continue’. Refer your friends to this blog post by sharing your own unique SmartLink.

3. Each referrer in the chain gets 50% more rewards than the one before. Your unique SmartLink allows up to 10 users to join.

4. As a referrer, make sure to create / connect your wallet on the dashboardBEFORE the campaign ends. Once the campaign ends, the referral rewards are distributed to all the referrers’ wallets.

The campaign is open till the end of May. For any questions, please ask the 2Key Network team in https://t.me/twokey_official.

Learn more about 2Key Network

About Kyber Network

Kyber Network is delivering a sustainable liquidity infrastructure for DeFi. As a liquidity hub, Kyber connects liquidity from various protocols and sources to provide the best token rates to Dapps, aggregators, DeFi platforms, and traders.

Through Kyber, anyone can provide or access liquidity, and developers can build innovative applications, including token swap services, decentralized payments, and financial Dapps — helping to build a world where any token is usable anywhere. Kyber is powering more than 100 integrated projects and has facilitated over US$7 billion worth of transactions for thousands of users since its inception.

KyberSwap, the latest protocol in the liquidity hub, provides the best rates for traders and maximizes returns for liquidity providers.

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About Kyber Network

Kyber Network is building a world where any token is usable anywhere. KyberSwap.com, our flagship Decentralized Exchange (DEX) aggregator, provides superior rates for traders in DeFi across 17 chains.

KyberSwap powers 200+ integrated projects and has facilitated over US$20 billion worth of transactions for thousands of users across 17 chains since its inception. Full list of supported exchanges and networks available here.

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