Treasury Grant Program Registration for Affected Users

The KyberSwap Elastic Exploit Treasury Grant Program, first announced on December 20, 2023 here, was established to support Affected Users who have lost Affected Assets within Categories 1, 2 and 4 and who fulfill eligibility requirements of the Program. Affected Users who lost Affected Assets within Category 3 who fulfill eligibility requirements can also receive treasury grants for the unrecovered portion of their Affected Assets.

Treasury Grant Program Registration

As of January 19, 2024 at 11:30 UTC, these Affected Users with unrecovered Affected Assets under Categories 1, 2, 3 and 4 are now able to complete steps to determine eligibility to participate in the Treasury Grant Program. Those who are eligible will then be able to select a Treasury Grant amount and vesting schedule option. The deadline to complete these steps is January 31, 2024 at 14:00 UTC.

The Treasury Grant Program registration steps for Affected Users can be found below in the section titled “Guide to completing steps to register for the Treasury Grant Program”.

  • Affected Users who missed the Treasury Grant Program registration period: Qualified Affected Users who missed the January 31 Treasury Grant Program registration deadline will still be able to complete registration steps. However, grants will be processed in a second batch at a later time. See here for the timeline for Batch 2.

Treasury Grant Claim

The Treasury Grant will start vesting from February 1, 2024 at 14:00 UTC for Affected Users who complete Treasury Grant Program registration and are deemed eligible, and who also agree to and fulfill the requirements under the Terms of Grant.

As of February 6, 2024 at 15:00 UTC, eligible Affected Users who meet the January 31 registration deadline can start claiming the vested amounts of Treasury Grant, by following these steps:

  1. Go to
  2. “Connect” Affected Address
  3. Switch Network to Polygon PoS
  4. Go to the “Vesting” tab
  5. View Grant amount(s), including the the “Total Amount (USD)” and the “Total Vested Amount (USD)”
  6. Click “Claim”
  7. View the amount of first claim
  8. Click the link to read the Terms and Conditions of KyberSwap Treasury Grant Program
  9. Check the box to Accept the Terms and Conditions
  10. Click “Sign and Claim”
  11. A message signing request will appear, for the eligible user to acknowledge agreement of the Terms and Conditions
  12. Click “Sign” to initiate a transaction
  13. Click “Sign” on the Transaction Confirmation Message
  14. Receive applicable assets to your Affected Address
  15. Return to to continue to “Claim” the vested portions of Treasury Grant(s)

Multisig/Contract Affected Addresses: If your Affected Address is a Multisig or other Contract, please see here.

Third Party Affected Users: For Affected Users who added liquidity to KyberSwap Elastic Affected Pools by interacting with Third Party Smart Contracts of Third Parties, including and limited to DappOS, Pendle, Magpie/Penpie, Equilibria, and Tetu, individual Affected User LP data provided by these third parties is undergoing review and verification.

Third Party Affected Users of the above listed Third Parties who have unrecovered Affected Assets are expected to be able to view the USD reference value of their unrecovered Affected Assets and complete Treasury Grant program registration steps starting on February 19, 2024 at 14:00 UTC.  These steps include a zkKYC process, powered by zkMe. Those who successfully complete the zkKYC process and are deemed eligible will then be able to select a Treasury Grant amount and vesting schedule option. The deadline to complete these registration steps is March 13, 2024 at 14:00 UTC.

The Treasury Grant will start vesting from February 1, 2024 at 14:00 UTC for these Third Party Affected Users who complete KYC screening to the satisfaction of KyberSwap and who also agree to and fulfill the requirements under the Terms of Grant. The next step for such Affected Users is to start claiming the vested amounts of Treasury Grant from March 20, 2024 at 14:00 UTC.

Third Party Affected Users of the above listed Third Parties who have Affected Assets under Categories 3 and 5, please see below.

Please note that the above timeline is subject to change if there is a delay in Third Party Affected User data verification.

If you are a Third Party with Third Party Affected Users and have not contacted the KyberSwap team yet, please email [email protected].

Category 3 and 5 Recovered Affected Assets and Swapped Affected Assets Claims: 

Category 3 comprises Affected Assets taken from Affected Pools by two front-run bots mimicking the Primary Exploit – which Affected Assets have been partially recovered along with assets (“Category 3 Swapped Affected Assets”) into which part of such Affected Assets have been swapped into by such front-run bots.

Category 5 comprises Affected Assets previously locked in Affected Pools due to incorrect pool state as a result of the Primary Exploit, but which have been recovered from such liquidity pools.

Starting January 19, 2024 at 11:30 UTC, Affected Users intending to claim Category 3 Affected Assets which have been partially recovered, Category 3 Swapped Affected Assets, and Category 5 Affected Assets which have been recovered, will be able to view such claimable assets, in tokens and token amounts, at, by clicking “Details” under “Available assets for claiming”.

As of February 1, 2024 at 14:00 UTC, such users will also be able to read and agree to the Terms and Conditions of KyberSwap Elastic Recovered Asset Redemption, and proceed to receive the applicable assets to their Affected Addresses.

Detailed steps are as follows:

  1. Go to
  2. “Connect” Affected Address
  3. Switch Network to Polygon PoS, Avalanche, Optimism, or Ethereum; depending on where you lost your Category 3 or 5 Affected Assets
  4. Click “Details” under “Available assets for claiming”
  5. Click “Claim”
  6. Click the link to read the Terms and Conditions of KyberSwap Elastic Recovered Asset Redemption
  7. Check the box to Accept the Terms and Conditions
  8. Click “Sign and Claim”
  9. Click “Sign” on the Transaction Confirmation Message
  10. Receive applicable assets to your Affected Address

Note that if your Affected Address is a Multisig or other Contract, please contact us at [email protected]. Such Affected Users have already started to be processed, as mentioned here.

Note that for the unrecovered portion of Category 3 Affected Assets, Affected Users can register for the Treasury Grant Program, as mentioned in the first paragraph.

Category 3 and 5 Recovered Affected Assets and Swapped Affected Assets Claims by Third Party Affected Users:

Starting February 19, 2024 at 14:00 UTC, Third Party Affected Users of the Third Parties mentioned in the above section titled “Third Party Affected Assets” intending to claim Category 3 Affected Assets which have been partially recovered, Category 3 Swapped Affected Assets, and Category 5 Affected Assets which have been recovered, will be able to view such claimable assets, in tokens and token amounts, at, by clicking “Details” under “Available assets for claiming”.

The next step to read and agree to the Terms and Conditions of KyberSwap Elastic Recovered Asset Redemption and proceed to claim your allocation of the Category 3 and 5 Affected Assets mentioned above, will open on February 27, 2024 at 14:00 UTC.

Note that for the unrecovered portion of Category 3 Affected Assets, Third Party Affected Users can also register for the Treasury Grant Program.

Guide to completing steps to register for the Treasury Grant Program

As mentioned above, Affected Users with unrecovered Affected Assets under Categories 1, 2, 3 and 4 are now able to complete steps to determine eligibility to participate in the Treasury Grant Program. These steps include a zkKYC process, powered by zkMe. Those who successfully complete the zkKYC process and are deemed eligible will then be able to select a Treasury Grant amount and vesting schedule option. The deadline to complete these steps is January 31, 2024 at 14:00 UTC.

Video demo illustrating steps to register: Link

Preparations for the zkKYC process

Please ensure you have the following ready to use in the zkKYC process:

  1. Email address to sign up for zkMe DID
  2. The correct wallet address you would like to verify
  3. Valid passport or national IDs
  4. Some MATIC gas fees (estimated 0.01 – 0.1 Matic for the final step of the process, an on-chain verification).
  5. A phone with clear camera and stable internet
  6. Good lighting environment for the biometric scan

How to complete the zkKYC process

Step 1: Go to Connect the wallet address you would like to verify.

Step 2: Click the KYC button on the UI (if you don’t want to join the KyberSwap Elastic Exploit Treasury Grant Program, click Opt Out)

If you are on another network, click Switch to Polygon to switch your network to Polygon first.

Step 3: Review each statement and check each box if you agree and wish to proceed.

Step 4: Click Continue. Please read the zkKYC introduction carefully and tick the checkbox to confirm before starting the verification process. When you are ready, click Start verification to begin.

Step 5: Enter your email address to login to your personal account and input the 6-digit verification code that’s been sent to your inbox to complete login. If you have already done zkKYC and need to verify another wallet address, use a different email address (1 wallet per email).

Step 6: A QR code will be shown on screen. Use your smartphone’s camera to scan the QR code and click the link that appears to redirect and follow the instructions to complete the verification process on your mobile browser.

Step 7: Complete ID scan, facial recognition, and GPS verification at widget on mobile browser.

Click Verify now to begin, select your Citizenship and choose a document type to verify: Passport or Identity Card (Driver License works only with United State and Japan)

Follow instructions to scan your document. Confirm scanned information is accurate, then click Continue.

Step 8: Follow instructions to complete facial recognition. Wait for system verification then proceed.

Step 9: Follow instructions to complete GPS location verification. Once system verification passes, you can return to your PC to continue.

After mobile verification, zkMe will automatically confirm your status on your computer browser and use a zk-proof to privately, securely, and anonymously verify that you meet the requirements.

When all 3 steps show Completed, click Continue to authorize the on-chain transaction (including paying the required gas fee).

After completing the KYC, wait for the confirmation and you can see the “verified” status, then you can start to choose the option for Grant program. support link for any concerns/issue related to zk KYC process on

Treasury Grants Processing and Recovered Funds Redemption Batch 2 Timeline Updates

For the purposes of this announcement, we categorize the following types of Affected Users:

  • Type 1. Third Party Affected Users of DappOS, Pendle, Magpie/Penpie and Equilibria (and also Tetu, as of March 6)
  • Type 2. Affected Users with Multisig/AA/Safe/Other Contract Affected Addresses
  • Type 3. Normal cases of Affected Users who missed the January 31 deadline

Due to operational complications, the timeline to process the above Affected Users for Treasury Grants and Recovered Funds Redemption, has been updated as follows:

February 7 – 14:00 UTC to February 19 – 14:00 UTC: 

Type 2 Affected Users (with Multisig/AA/Safe/Other Contract Affected Addresses) to complete this Google Form designating another EOA address to register for and receive Treasury Grants, if eligible, and/or to claim Recovered Funds, if eligible. If this step is not completed satisfactorily, Type 2 Affected Users will not be able to proceed to any other step.

February 19 – 14:00 UTC to March 13 – 14:00 UTC:

zkKYC completion and Treasury Grant option selection period for Types 1 and 2 Affected Users. (Type 3 Affected Users are already able to do these steps, and should also finish by the March 13 deadline.)
*Note: The deadline to complete zkKYC has been extended from March 4 to March 13 to include Type 1 Tetu users in Batch 2.

March 20 – 14:00 UTC:

Treasury Grant Terms Agreement and Treasury Grant Claim start for all above Types 1, 2 and 3 Affected Users who are deemed eligible for Treasury Grants.
*Note that while these users won’t be able to start claiming their Treasury Grants until this date, the Treasury Grants distribution will still calculate the Treasury Grants vesting schedule from February 1, 2024.

Recovered Funds Redemption:

February 27 – 14:00 UTC:

Type 1 Affected Users (except Tetu) who have Claimable Assets which are Affected Assets under Categories 3 or 5 will be able to start claiming them.

Type 2 Affected Users who have Claimable Assets which are Affected Assets under Categories 3 or 5, and who have satisfactorily completed the Google Form designating an EOA address, will be able to start claiming them.

March 6 – 14:00 UTC
Type 1 Affected Users of Tetu who have Claimable Assets which are Affected Assets under Categories 3 or 5 will be able to start claiming them.


Kyber Customer Support Inquiries can be directed here:

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