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Unlock the Ultimate ETH Earning Strategy in DeFi with KyberSwap

The world of decentralized finance (DeFi) is constantly evolving, and with new innovation comes new opportunities for ETH holders and …


Amplifying Yield Potential with Frax Gauges & KyberSwap

KyberSwap introduces an exciting opportunity for Elastic liquidity providers (LPs) with six new Frax gauges across different chains. These gauges …

NewsProduct Updates

KyberSwap August 2023 Product Updates

Welcome to KyberSwap’s August 2023 Product Update! We are excited to share with you the latest updates and improvements to …


KyberSwap’s Community Member of the Month Contest – Win Up to 10,000 KNC!

Introducing KyberSwap’s Member of the Month contest – an exciting blend of  community spirit, growth and the opportunity to share …

How Fee Tiers Make Or Break Your DeFi Returns

How Fee Tiers Make Or Break Your DeFi Returns

Introduction As DeFi becomes increasingly more sophisticated, liquidity providers (LPs) are also demanding more fine-grained control over the levers that …


KyberSwap Trading Challenge: Quest for Crystals 2

Welcome, DeFi traders to the KyberSwap Trading Challenge: Quest for Crystals 2. To our experienced traders returning from Quest for …

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